Thursday, August 27, 2020

Health Care Rights

Should you need to work for your human services or is it a correct that ought to be given. Walk 21, 2013 Have you at any point been in a fender bender and the air pack conveyed? It might have spared your life and you begin to get grateful for having air packs in your vehicle. Presently on the off chance that an air sack weren’t place in the vehicle, at that point you would elevate the danger of getting harmed and biting the dust. This is additionally a similar idea that goes with social insurance and us. On the off chance that human services weren’t accessible to everybody, at that point we would elevate the danger of passing on in the event that we get sick or injured.Healthcare ought to be a standard job in everyone’s lives exactly how airbags are standard in all vehicles that are delivered in today’s society. That is the reason human services ought to be a fundamental and unmistakable right that ought to be given to each and every individual who needs i t, since we as a whole need it as our airbag to remain alive. Lets start in reverse to get some data on how human services has shaped since the beginning. President Teddy Roosevelt was the first to push all inclusive human services for all Americans during 1912. 1 Health protection was to a great extent unavilable at the time.Doctors were not as incredibly instructed enough about illnesses to truly give a lot of helpful consideration to debilitated individuals and there for they didn’t charge definitely. The Social Security Act became set up as an arrangement of government mature age benefits and to give states assets to assemble nearby wellbeing divisions. This occurred during the incredible melancholy (1935), when Franklin D. Roosevelt was president. Around this time specialists started becoming familiar with infections and powerful medicines. In 1946, the emergency clinic review and development act was past.This act gave states access to government awards to help pay for t he upkeep and development of general wellbeing places. At the point when President Eisenhower was in office, he past the Internal Revenue Act and approve military Medicare. These demonstrations made duty rejection for some businesses to gave benefits and stretch out medical coverage to wards. The flexibly of medical coverage expanded as business insurance agencies entered the market. The Union exchanges likewise fortify the business based medical coverage framework. The utilization of human services expanded as clinical innovation turned out to be more ophisticated and cost began to rise. The administration began to urge managers to offer medical coverage as a feature of representative remuneration bundles. The difficult that surfaced is that the individuals who resigned from their employment lost their medical coverage. Speeding the procedure up we enter 1965, were Medicare and Medicaid programs are past so as to furnish the old with clinical inclusion. As of now we have a decent c omprehend on the advancement of human services. This twentieth century human services has been gaining out of power. There are various elements that has drive the expense of medicinal services sky high.This is from clinical innovation, expanding drug expenses, and issues with oversaw care frameworks. There are countless Americans who don’t have medical coverage and can affirm that the social insurance framework should be change. The 2 essential issues of medicinal services that should be change are the accessible access to human services and the moderateness of social insurance. Numerous Americans, with and without health care coverage, face devastating money related obligation from their clinical consideration. The unavoidable issue is what ought to be finished with this huge social insurance problem?Should medicinal services be a correct given to Americans or would it be advisable for you to need to work for it? Most importantly the Declaration of Independence plainly expre sses that all men have the unalienable right to â€Å"Life†. In the event that we don’t have social insurance to help that common right, at that point we resemble in a sea that we can angle in all we need however with no provisions to do as such. Second of all the Preamble of the Constitution expresses that its motivation is to â€Å"promote the general welfare† which human services must be incorporated into this thought since it advances the general government assistance of the individuals by dealing with them.In expansion, on the off chance that we give everybody social insurance, at that point individuals will have the option to live more and increasingly strong lives that can assist them with working harder to help invigorate our economy. Additionally, Americans experience the ill effects of uninsurance from about $65-130 billion yearly because of doctor's visit expenses. [1] In 2007 62% of all US liquidations were identified with clinical costs and 78% of t hese insolvencies were documented by individuals who had clinical protection. [2]That is insane when you consider how much obligation Americans are in the present moment and clinical costs cause a larger part of it. All that cash could be spared and help the American individuals escape obligation and quit mooching of the legislature to such an extent. Moreover, if an ailment appeared suddenly and began spreading through the American populace then such huge numbers of individuals would get sick and not go to the medical clinic. They are anxious of the clinical costs anticipating them and how it could monetarily demolish them. This would destroy our nation with such obliviousness in light of the fact that the malady may execute thousands and splitting the establishment of our society.Also, medicinal services is a significant and critical assistance for our general public simply like state funded schools and local group of fire-fighters administrations. Our assessment cash goes to thos e administrations, which help lives, however human services is by one way or another extraordinary, I don’t comprehend that idea. Anyway others state no to having human services open to everybody for numerous reasons. The job of the administration is to secure the privileges of people to uninhibitedly seek after their own advantages in the financial commercial center without infringement of their freedom through intimidation, control, or misrepresentation. [3] 9 With this being the central matter, nobody has a privilege to wellbeing care.They express that the vast majority wont fall into clinical issues in the event that they pick a solid way of life and keep these issues from occurring. Furthermore, they state that since social insurance will be available to everybody that emergency clinics will back up with patients and it will take everybody longer to get their treatment and conclusions. This can prompt significant disappointment with the individuals and perhaps passing on the off chance that they are dealt with past the point of no return because of this demonstration which was assume to enable this individual to live. Also, they express that since medicinal services will be set on the administration now, they should go through more cash, which would get them into more obligation. 4]Then thus the administration may need to higher expenses and hurt the economy and individual wallets. Likewise, since the free market rules social insurance at the present time, this permits rivalry to thrive between organizations which can help make the best administrations and most cutting edge innovation made for wellbeing. Furthermore, individuals may build up an issue know as â€Å"moral hazard† which implies that individuals may take less secure activities since they realize medicinal services as of now covers them on the off chance that they get harmed. Every one of these focuses aren't right and limited disapproved of perspectives on uninformed people.Givi ng medicinal services to individuals will spare more lives then what’s happening now. This will likewise help cause the economy to develop on the grounds that the expenses put on the individuals because of this change doesn’t even contrast with the emergency clinic charges we pay now. Moreover, I accept that the administration can make further developed administrations and innovation because of size of our government’s wallet and spending financial plan contrasted with a little organization. Additionally, individuals wont be sufficiently idiotic to murder themselves since human services may spare there lives, that is simply insane and very whimsical to place your life in hurts way.That thought doesn’t even contrast with extent of mankind’s ethics at the present time. Taking everything into account, we should let everybody have medicinal services accommodated that person. This invigorates financial development in numerous regions of our general publ ic and keeps the cash streaming. Also, a great deal of American individuals will be pulled out of clinical costs, which they can utilize their cash to put to better uses like food and the necessities of life. Likewise, this makes sure about a characteristic human right that our society’s establishment was based upon since the time the establishing of this free country of ours.This position additionally helps center around the possibility that medicinal services ought not be earned by difficult work yet rather given to Americans as their regular right. By making the privilege to medicinal services an extraordinary instance of rights to correspondence of chance, we show up at a sensible, though fragmented and blemished. It’s a method of limiting its degree while as yet perceiving its significance. [5] Healthcare for everybody helps our general public out right currently as well as ties down a brilliant future for our people in the future to follow and assemble upon.Bibli ography Vaughn, L. (2010) Bioethics: standards, issues, and cases. New York: Oxford University Press. Jonathan Alter, â€Å"Health Care As a Civil Right,† Newsweek, Aug. 15, 2009 American Medical Student Association (AMSA), â€Å"Arguments and Counterarguments about Health Care Reform,† www. amsa. organization (got to Aug. 27, 2009) American Medical Student Association (AMSA), â€Å"The Case for Universal Healthcare,† www. amsa. organization (got to Aug. 27, 2009) Max Baucus, â€Å"Call to Action: Health Reform 2009,† www. fund. senate. gov, Nov. 12, 2008Board on Health Care Services (HCS) and Institute of Medicine (IOM), â€Å"Insuring America's Health: Principles and Recommendations,† www. snooze. edu, 2004 Yaron Brook, MBA, PhD, â€Å"There Is No Right to Health Care,† www. aynrand. organization, July 23, 2009 John Campbell, â€Å"John Campbell: A Right to Health Care? ,† OC Register, July 13, 2009 Michael F. Gun, MA, JM, â€Å"A ‘Right' to Health Care? ,† National Review Online, June 29, 2007 Jean Carmalt and Sarah Zaidi, â€Å"The Right to Health in America: What Does It Mean,† www. cesr. organization, Oct. 2004Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), â€Å"National Health Expenditures 2007 Highlights,† www. cms. hhs. gov (got to Aug. 27, 2009) Community Voices:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Frank Lloyd Wrights Impact on Architecture and Civil Engineering Essay Example For Students

Forthcoming Lloyd Wrights Impact on Architecture and Civil Engineering Essay One of the most compelling and notable structural specialists in America during the twentieth century must be Frank Lloyd Wright. He’s made and structured numerous innovative and useful structures for a large portion of his vocation which spread over to around seventy years. His cutting edge and present day plans were one of a kind and innovative, yet they were as yet utilitarian for one to live in them. His whimsical reasoning has realized and significantly impacted the picture of twentieth century design. His works have prepared to the plans and structures of the structural designers and draftsmen that we have today in the twenty-first century. Forthright Lloyd Wright was conceived in June 8, 1869 in Richland Center, Wisconsin. He was the oldest of the three offspring of William and Anna Wright. Plain Lloyd Wright’s mother was from Wales and moved with her family. Her dad and siblings wound up being gifted craftsmen in the Wisconsin River Valley and assembled their own homes. His dad, William Wright was a Baptist serve. At three years old, Wright and his family moved to Massachusetts for his dad to function as a clergyman. Around 1880, they moved to Madison, Wisconsin. His dad at that point opens a music center, while Wright went to class and worked at his uncle’s ranch in Spring Green in the summers. He was going to Madison High School, and in 1885, his folks separated. Around the same time, Wright leaves Madison High School at age 18, and without graduating. He proceeded to have work as a draftsman’s student in Madison, Wisconsin. The next year, while he was all the while working, Wright took structur al designing courses in the University of Wisconsin. At that point in 1887, Wright leaves Madison and goes to Chicago, Illinois, and acquired a vocation as a designer with a modeler named Joseph Silsbee. During the late 1880s in Chicago, Wright was encountering a flood in design all around the city. Designers from all around the globe went to Chicago to help reconstruct the city after it encountered a shocking fire. In the wake of taking in the rudiments of design from Silsbee, Wright found himself an occupation with the Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan firm, which was one of the dynamic firms in the nation at that point. Wright developed a significant companionship with Sullivan, and took in numerous things from him. Since the Adler and Sullivan firm was both a designing and structural firm, Wright was shown the belief system of â€Å"form follows function†, which helped him realize that a structure design’s usefulness matter more than what it looks like. By time he was around his mid 20s, he has just taken a shot at the vast majority of the best structures in Chicago, for example, the Auditorium Building, which is currently the Roosevelt University. In 1889, Wright wedded Catherine Lee Clark Tobin, in which they met at a social held at his uncle’s church. He and Catherine had six kids, in which two became structural designers. To help support for his significant other and family, Wright took on additional work planning houses. Wright took a few structures from his firm and included a few thoughts into them, which in the long run cut off his association with Sullivan and the firm. In 1893, Wright made his own building firm. In 1909, Wright surrendered his significant other of 20 years just as his kids, and ran off to Europe with Mamah Borthwick Cheney, who was a spouse of a conventional customer. The two avoided the United States for around a year, and came back to Spring Green, Wisconsin in 1911. There, he fabricated the notable living arrangement Taliesin. Sadly, in 1914, a hireling at the Taliesin living arrangement set the house ablaze, killing Mamah, her two youngsters and four others. The house was left in complete v estiges. Wright reconstructed Taliesin and later headed out to Tokyo. .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 , .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .postImageUrl , .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 , .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561:hover , .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561:visited , .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561:active { border:0!important; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561:active , .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u b74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ub74b2c0954fcf7eb81e039ec4579b561:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Essay on Imbalance Between Software and Civil EngineeringHe went to Tokyo as he was appointed to manufacture the Imperial Hotel. He made this inn with much idea on shielding it from a quake and a fire. He made a pool in the front of the lodging as a wellspring of water when a fire happens. He put delicate soil under the establishment to give as a pad to when a seismic tremor strikes. These very much idea out parts in the structure and building of the Imperial Hotel helped it to endure the seismic tremor of 1823. It, in any case, didn't endure the destroying ball as it was annihilated in 1968. In 1992, Wright wedded a sculptress named Miriam Noel. In 1925, the Taliesin torched once more. Simultaneously, Wright’s vocation was at that point beginning to endure because of the constant embarrassments that happen in his own life. All through his vocation, he confronted awful exposure, claims, and insolvency, which exhausted his accounts, just as his feelings. In 1928, he wedded for his fourth spouse, a Montenegrin privileged person, Olgivanna Milanoff. She was at one time an understudy of G.I. Gurdjieff, a Russian-brought into the world recondite mastermind and spiritualist. He was hitched to Milanoff for a mind-blowing remainder. Wright at that point began to instruct and do addresses. In 1931, Wright made the Taliesin Fellowship, wherein he transformed his habitation into a workshop where disciples can pay to work with him on his bonuses just as gain from him. In spite of the fact that Wright constantly made plan and were worked at a consistent pace for about over two decades, he won’t get acclaim or more acknowledgment for his works until the 1950s, in his 80s. It was a result of how he was at mature age but then he despite everything has great vitality, and an energy for methods of one of a kind structure in structures. Wright additionally composed numerous books on design. During the 1950s he was perceived for his challenging structures. The one of a kind styling of his works that were once loathed upon were what made him famous indeed. Wright’s last work was to fabricate the Guggenheim Museum, which was a spot for Solomon R. Guggenheim’s craftsmanship assortments. Be that as it may, Frank Lloyd Wright kicked the bucket on April 9, 1959, only a half year before the museum’s opening. Through the range of his profession, Frank Lloyd Wright has made numerous significant milestones that influenced design and building. One remarkable thing about him was that he really did some building in his works, which isn’t as a rule found in a draftsman, however due to â€Å"form follows function† belief system that he has learned, he has produced a significant results in the designing on his works. He has influenced the craft of engineering from numerous points of view for his remarkable and radical structures, yet these plans that were viewed as radical at the time are what we consider these to be as he has influenced current design extraordinarily. He likewise has influenced building, as he has demonstrated that with radical plans and structures, there can at present be usefulness in them. He has additionally brought remarkable ways that can help a structure from numerous threats and circumstances. His structuring of the Imperial Hotel, as I would see it, has he lped impact structural architects everywhere throughout the universe of how a structure can endure a seismic tremor. Likewise, his remarkable utilization of geometric examples in his works, for example, the Fallingwater habitation in Pennsylvania, and the utilization of cantilevers and a cascade in the home have impacted numerous specialists and draftsmen all around. With everything taken into account, obviously he has earned himself a spot in history as a virtuoso in design and building.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Sample For Medical Assistant Introduction Essay

Essay Sample For Medical Assistant Introduction EssayIt is not very difficult to write an effective medical assistant introduction essay. All you need to do is to analyze the requirements of the medical assistant. It is because you must provide good and relevant information to the readers who are going to judge your competence as a medical assistant. Here are some of the best essay samples that you can use in your medical assistant introduction essay.It is no doubt that there are thousands of essay samples that you can use. It is also possible for you to use these sample essays in your application. However, it is always best if you can make use of some of the special essay samples which have been designed for medical assistants.First of all, these essay samples are specifically written by professionals who have been in the same field for quite some time. These professionals use their professional experience to write professional essays. This gives the professional essay writers the n ecessary edge over the rest.Secondly, it is important for you to know that these essay samples are perfect for advanced medical assistants. Advanced assistants should not be using such samples as they might prove too detailed and technical. If you want to write a medical assistant introduction essay that is equally impressive as the essay samples that are being used by other applicants, then you need to take into consideration that you are no longer a beginner in the profession.Thirdly, there are so many good essay samples that are used by senior professionals. You must go through the samples carefully before you choose which one you should use. You should know that the essays that are being used by senior professionals are also being used by advanced medical assistants.Fourthly, there are several good essay samples that are designed for medical assistants who are looking forward to moving up to the next level of their career. Theseare created by the senior professionals so that the y can get assistance in guiding their junior colleagues to move on to the next level of their career. Senior professionals have the experience and they have the knowledge so they are the best to ask about ways to move on to the next level.Fifthly, the good medical assistant introduction essay samples are designed keeping in mind the purpose of the essay. These essays contain primarily educational content so that the readers can get some good education from them. Therefore, it is important for you to make sure that the essay samples that you will be using are educational in nature.There are so many different essay samples that you can use for your medical assistant introduction essay. However, it is better if you take into consideration the points above to get the best essay samples for your needs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

compare and contrast 1 - 1262 Words

Name: Date: Graded Assignment The Comparative Essay: Early Civilizations Complete and submit this assignment by the due date to receive full credit. (45 points) Score 1. Compare and contrast key characteristics of two early civilizations (choose from Mesopotamian, Shang, Indus Valley, Chavin, and Phoenician) in terms of three of the following: economy, political system, art and architecture, religion, technology, legacy. Answer: Of the worlds first civilizations, all successful and renowned were located on or near a river. The Mesopotamian and Chavà ­n civilizations were no exception to this. Mesopotamia originated in modern-day Iraq in 8000 B.C.E., between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, and the Chavà ­n civilization was located on the†¦show more content†¦They shared many similarities in their political systems, technological advancements, and in their use of art. Their political systems were very similar because both the Chavà ­n and the Mesopotamians had leaders who claimed to be intermediaries between the people and their gods, along with a strongly emphasized class system. The societies technological advancements were similar in the fact that they both constructed irrigation systems and learned to use precious metals, but differed in the purpose of the artifacts manufactured from those metals. The presence of art in both societies showed how religion was a major component in the peoples l ives, but the different uses of the art displayed how having a written language, like the Mesopotamians did, could greatly effect the culture. Even though these two civilizations were on opposite sides of the world the numerous similarities they had in political, technological, and artistic advances show how great of an effect that similar topographic features can have on a society. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

When Harry Met Sall Essay - 616 Words

Interpersonal Communication ‘When Harry Met Sally’ is a romantic comedy set from the mid 1970’s to the mid-to-late 1980’s. From the beginning the film seemed like the perfect example from Mark Knapp’s 10 stages of relational development. There was a plethora of talking and Harry was quite witty while Sally was very sweet and up-beat. As a personal opinion, at first the film seemed to be slightly boring plot-wise – a man and a woman meet to travel a ways to the city? Sounds like the perfect situation to ‘fall in love’ in and have a happily ever-after. Though, as more of the movie was watched, it became more interesting and less of an assignment requirement. In relation to Harry and Sally’s relationship regarding Mark Knapp’s 10 stages†¦show more content†¦Self-disclosure played an intensely heavy role in the development of their relationship when Harry finally begins to attempt to speak to Sally once more aft er they both terminated their relationship. While the earlier attempts at self-disclosure (Harry telling Sally he was not ready to date again, etc.), this makes a particular impact on their relationship when he tells Sally how much she means to him. Identifying the terms was easy enough throughout the entire film – initiating the relationship when they met through a mutual good friend of theirs, experimenting as they spoke to each other about different topics during their trip to New York. Terminating their relationship was especially easy to identify – Sally was always particularly happy to terminate their relationship during the times that they seemed to grow apart (she also did not particularly enjoy his presence when they had just met). Identifying the Intensifying stage was easy enough when they met for the third time and they began to speak more without openly insulting each other and began to spend more time with each other and do certain domestic things with ea ch other. This film, over-all, was actually very entertaining and humourous. The interaction between both Harry and Sally had me laughing more than once over the duration of the film and it had clear visuals of two people bonding and forming a friendship, and eventually a relationship, from the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kurtzs Last Words Essay - 641 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad presents the character of Kurtz as a man who is seen differently by all who know him depending on their individual experiences with him. His cousin knew him as a man with great musical talent, others knew him as a great leader, and his â€Å"Intended† fiance knew him as an admirable humanitarian; but all of these knew him to be a remarkable genius. When the narrator, Marlow, first hears of him, he is told that Kurtz is known as a great leader destined to hold high positions and fame. However, as he travels the river, he also learns that Kurtz has become insane during his time in the African jungle. After Marlow finally comes into contact with him, he discovers that Kurtz has†¦show more content†¦Perhaps Kurtz is recognizing the results of the choices he made and the evil inside of himself that he unleashed upon other people through dreadful acts. When he came to Africa, he was an admired leader with a fiance and a promising future; but his own power led to his downfall. Despite his high intelligence, his ability to do literally whatever he wished without answering to any higher power aside from his own desires was too much for him to endure sanely. Through Kurtz’s demise, Conrad describes the ridiculousness of one person’s rule over others because all people have weaknesses and faults that they cannot overcome when tempted. The absolute power of one individual is too much responsibility and will ultimately corrupt any person, leading them to believe that he or she truly possesses divine power which is true madness. At that point, one is unable to freely make moral decisions because, as demonstrated by Kurtz’s own experience, selfishness has taken over. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kurtz’s madness, although made clear early in the novel, is barely recognizable among the horrors of the men of the Company who completely dehumanize the Africans and treat them like animals or even worse in some cases. The difference is found in the fact that the Company tries to downplay their brutality while Kurtz is completely honest about his suppression of the natives, whom he refers to as â€Å"brutes,† and his desire to eradicate them. In his final days, he reveals to MarlowShow MoreRelated Heart of Darkness Essay941 Words   |  4 Pagespermeates every circumstance, scene, and character in Joseph Conrads novella, Heart of Darkness. Darkness symbolizes the moral confusion that Charlie Marlow encounters, as well as the moral reconciliation he has within himself while searching for Kurtz. Marlows morals are challenged numerous times throughout the book; on the Congo river and when he returns to Brussels. Charlie Marlow characterizes the behavior of the colonialists with, The flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of a rapaciousRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1309 Words   |  6 Pagesto terms with his past acts of cowardice and eventually becomes the leader of a small South Seas country. (online-literature). Heart of Darkness is British man s journey deep into the Congo of Africa, where he encounters the cruel and mysterious Kurtz, a European trader who has established himself as a ruler of the native people there. Conrad continued as an author and published more books such as Nostromo and The Secret Agent. Many of his writings first appeared in magazines, followed by the publicationRead MoreThe Horror: The Transformation of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness517 Words   |  3 PagesKurtz and the Horror Throughout the first two parts of Joseph Conrads book, Heart of Darkness, the character Kurtz is built up to be this amazing and remarkable man. In the third book, however, we learn the truth about who Kurtz really is. Kurtz cries out in a whisper, The horror! The horror!(p. 86), and in only two words he manages to sum up the realization of all the horrors of his life during his time in the Congo. In the first parts of the book most of the characters Marlow meetsRead MoreEssay about Heart of Darkness - Summary1145 Words   |  5 Pagesmentions a man named Kurtz who is a remarkable agent that has sent more ivory from the jungle than the other agents combined. Marlows interest is perked in Kurtz and will eventually grow into an unhealthy obsession and become the focus of the story. After a difficult journey, Marlow arrives at the Companys Central Station where he learns that the steamer he was supposed to command has been destroyed in a wreck. He meets the local manager, who mentions Kurtz and says that Kurtz is assumed to be illRead MoreAnalysis Of Heart Of Darkness 1331 Words   |  6 Pagesimperialism in Africa; the Englishmen wish to colonize in Africa with the purpose of taking their ivory. Charlie Marlow, who works as a sailor in the company of ivory trading. Marlow meets a man named Kurtz, the best-selling agent, during his journey to the Congo. In Heart of Darkness, the characters Marlow, Kurtz helps portray the theme. Marlow’s actions during his journey to the Congo in Africa develops his personality by revealing his character. When Marlow arrives at the Costal Station, the first companyRead MoreHeart of Darkness Commentary893 Words   |  4 Pagesform. The book centers around Marlow, an introspective sailor, and his journey up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, reputed to be an idealistic man of great abilities, as if he was a deity. Ultimately Kurtz’s mental collapse and subsequent monstrosities culminate into a tragic anti-climatic death in which Kurtz utters the dying words â€Å"The horror! The horror!† His dying words seem to reflect Kurtz own feelings and realizations of his very being, his demise and his regret for the circumstances of his situationRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1534 Words   |  7 Pagesthings about a man named Kurtz, whom he eventually meets. He becomes fascinated by this Kurtz character and becomes obsessed with finding out as much as he can about him. A character in a story â€Å"sticks with us long after we have forgotten the details of what, where, and how† (Mays 123). In Heart of Darkness the reader has the rare opportunity to get to know a character who is only explored through the eyes of other characters in the story so that when we do finally meet Kurtz in the final pages ofRead More Realization of Inner Evil in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness1562 Words   |  7 Pagesthe characters Kurtz and Marlow and through the exploration of the dark continent of Africa. Throughout the novel the reader only comes into contact with Kurtz through Marlow and the comments of other minor characters. Kurtz is a first class agent employed at an ivory station in the center of Africa. Due to his great ability to steal and kill mercilessly he is considered to be the best at obtaining ivory. Upon meeting Kurtz, Marlow considers him to be a remarkable man because Kurtz is aware ofRead MoreSimilarly, Conrad’S Heart Of Darkness Explorers An Actual1172 Words   |  5 PagesCongo River in search of a highly reputable ivory trader named Kurtz. Prior to his spiral into insanity, Conrad describes Kurtz as a man of â€Å"promise†, â€Å"greatness†, a â€Å"generous mind†, and a â€Å"noble heart† (2008-9). Hearing of this reputable Victorian man, Marlow sets out to meet him, only to discover that these descriptors no longer fit the man he finds in the heart of the Congo, even if they ever truly fit him at all. As Marlow describes Kurt z at the start of the novel, he worships and reveres him as aRead MoreKurtzs Affect on Other Characters in Heart of Darkness Essay568 Words   |  3 Pagesamount of time but have a great affect on the story. Kurtz is one of these characters. Kurtz is introduced towards the end of the story but he has an affect on the action, the theme and the other characters development even when he isn’t present. Kurtz is a power hungry man who achieved his power by getting into the ivory business and using shady techniques. He also befriended the natives in the jungle who basically become his slaves. Kurtz is so well known and put on such a pedestal, that no

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Comparative Analysis Between the Bangladesh Labor Law free essay sample

Since the adherence to international social standards has become a mandatory requirement in the international business arena, the local suppliers have to be compliant to these standards in order to remain in business. There have been some significant revisions to the Bangladesh Labor Law in 2006. This newly revised law already covers a lot of the common standards like employment conditions, occupational health and safety issues as well as the ILO core labor standards. Besides being complaint to the national labor law, the suppliers must also adhere to the international standards. These international standards may be defined through their individual buyers’ codes of conduct or general codes of the conduct. Compliance to the buyers’ codes of conduct is mandatory but compliance to the general codes of conduct is optional unless the buyer accepts a specific general code as a substitute for its own audits or requirements. These voluntary monitoring or verification initiatives have taken root since the 1990s to add legitimacy and credibility to companies’ social and environmental compliance programs. The comparative analysis shows that the Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 significantly covers majority of the requirements of the different general codes of conduct. This indicates that if a factory is 100% compliant to the national law, it will cover approximately 85% of the requirements of the other general codes of conduct. Hence RMG factories should be encouraged to improve their compliance with the national law as a first step towards meeting the compliance demands of the brands and retailers who they supply to. The analysis does reveal that a few requirements are not fully or partially covered by the national labor law. It should be noted that the components which are not fully covered by the Bangladesh Labor Law are either covered by the Bangladesh Constitution or are not directly applicable in the Bangladesh context. This study clearly reveals that the revised Bangladesh Labor Law along with other supporting national legislations such as the Bangladesh Building Code and the Environmental Conservation Rules as well as the overall constitutional framework of Bangladesh, provides a comprehensive guideline for factories in the RMG sector to comply with majority of all international social compliance and environmental standards. By being 100% compliant with the national labor law, a supplier has significantly met majority of the international requirements. The Bangladesh Labor Law has gone through some majority revisions in 2006 which has made it into a strong piece of legislation. However, it is not still 100% perfect. There are still few gaps and lackings which need to be adjusted and amended in the future. As implementation of the revised law is ongoing, numerous other deficiencies might gradually be identified over time. Since recent revisions just took place, another series of revisions are not anticipated in the near future. This comparative analysis of the newly revised Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 and seven general codes of conduct clearly illustrates where the commonalities and differences are. Overall, the recent revisions to the Bangladesh Labor Law and other national legislations that are associated with the RMG sector such as the Bangladesh Building Code and the Environmental Conservation Rules jointly provide comprehensive guidelines for RMG suppliers to manufacture and export products under socially and environmentally responsible working conditions which also meet majority of all prevailing international standards. 2. 1 General Codes of Conduct Definition of Codes The interest in the social situation of workers in developing countries has increased constantly over the last years in particular under civil societies and consumers in the industrialized countries. Social criteria have become an important part of consumer and investment decisions of individuals and organizations and therefore also big brands and retailers become more aware of compliance to social standards. Since Bangladesh is part of 1 A comparative analysis between the Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 and seven general codes of conduct he global market social compliance is extremely relevant for the export-oriented industry of Bangladesh, especially for the RMG sector. For competitiveness in the global markets, the compliance with environmental and social standards is a key point. Through modern information and communication technologies the economic activity of companies becomes increasingly transparent and makes it easier for the civil society to uncover and communicate social and ecological failure of multinational companies. Companies know about the vulnerability of their brand names and messages concerning bad working conditions can easily damage their image as well as the market position. A social responsible management policy is therefore in the long-term interest of the enterprise. However companies can have a positive influence on the economic development in the target countries through the introduction of social standards and on the same time improve their image and market share through social and ecologically responsible behavior. To address these issues voluntary monitoring or verification initiatives have taken root since the 1990s to add legitimacy and credibility to companies’ labor compliance programs. They are all voluntary, meaning that companies opt to participate in them. Each requires member companies to adopt its respective workplace code of conduct and verifies that they have complied with organizational requirements. Today, some industries have developed or are developing codes for the entire industry. That can be best seen for the apparel and footwear sector. General Codes of Conduct as well as buyers’ codes are very common in this industry. These codes of conduct are rules, which companies impose upon themselves in order to embody social and ecological goals in the enterprise. Companies formulate these rules mostly for itself and partly also for the suppliers and orient themselves with the formulation at the international regulations and agreements already mentioned. Codes of conducts may also be recognized as useful instruments to build on the companies’ image. A lot of companies are participating in this initiatives to show their interests in improving the working conditions of their business partners/suppliers across the global. Fair trade and buying practices are a competitive advantage for many businesses. The codes show their commitment to this process. Codes of conduct may be developed through a multistakeholder approach such as ETI etc. or companies may have their own codes of conduct which are specific for their suppliers or codes could be sector specific such as for garments, food, electronics etc. 2. 2 Basis of codes Social compliance can be measured in relation to a certain standard. Concerning environmental and quality management a multiplicity of standards and certification systems already exist. The introduction of examinable social standards represents however a new challenge. Internationally recognized social standards exist, e. g. ? United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights UN Convention on Childrens Rights UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women ? ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work ? Rio Declaration on Environment and Development However these are guidelines and recommendations which can be converted voluntarily. Standards that can be certified only exist to a small extent. Most of the codes refer to these mentioned international standards, especially the ILO core labor standards. The ILO formulates international standards in the form of conventions and recommendations setting minimum standards of basic labor rights: Freedom of association The right to organize 2 A comparative analysis between the Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 and seven general codes of conduct Collective bargaining Abolition of forced labor Equality of opportunity and treatment Besides the above mentioned standards, there are other standards regulating conditions across the entire spectrum of the work related issues. These principles are concretized in eight ILO conventions, in each case two for the four fundamental principles mentioned (see table 1). The ILO conventions are obligatory only if they are ratified by the member states. The entire number of the ratifications increased in the last years noticeably and varies depending upon convention in the order of magnitude between 148 and 172. Until July 2007, 128 countries had ratified all eight conventions. Bangladesh has ratified seven out of the eight core conventions. Table 1: ILO Core-Conventions and ratifications in Bangladesh1 Standard Freedom of association and bargaining Elimination of forced and compulsory labor Elimination of discrimination Abolition of child labor Convention Convention 87 (Freedom of association) Convention 98 (Right to organize collective bargaining) Convention 29 (Forced labor) Convention 105 (Abolition of forced labor) Convention 100 (equal remuneration) Convention 111 (employment and occupation) Convention 138 (Minimum age) Convention 182 (worst forms of child labor) Ratification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Codes of practice develop frequently from public pressure or are preventively developed. In addition to the mentioned core labor standards these codes include general working conditions like occupational health and safety, minimum wages, leave days and working hours. Other common aspects include women’s rights or environmental standards. Also the implementation of a management system can be a requirement. 2. 3 How codes evolved The overall aim of social standards is to protect the workers. During the industrialization in Europe they evolved as a reaction to bad working conditions in the newly emerging factories. The depletion of large parts of the workforce moved child labor, forced labor, freedom of association and collective bargaining as well as women’s rights in the centre of public attention. Socially responsible behavior this means also ecologically responsible behavior has its starting point predominantly in the developed industrialized countries. The observance of social standards must be further supervised also in these countries. The by far larger action needs lie however in developing and emerging countries. Through the increasing world-wide division of labor large parts of the production chain are located in developing countries which have deficits with the observance of social standards. While working abroad companies are supposed to be compliant to the legal regulations. In developing and emerging countries legal regulations do not always correspond to the domestic standards of the companies. So it can be difficult for companies to combine national legislation and generally recognized basic values. Even if the legislation in developing and emerging countries corresponds to the standards of the industrialized countries there are deficits in monitoring and implementation of the standards. 1 Refer to the ILO website: http://www. ilo. org/ilolex/english/docs/declworld. htm. 3 A comparative analysis between the Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 and seven general codes of conduct However an internationally defined and recognized social standard does not exist. Thus different stakeholder came up with the idea of codes of conduct to verify the compliance to international social standards. Social standards are extremely important in an industrialized world. Nowadays due to financial benefits, most companies outsource their production to developing countries where compliance to social standards is not as important. The problem is that consumers and respective governments ask for socially responsible behavior and working conditions and often the suppliers and governments of the developing countries cannot enforce or ensure compliance to these international standards.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sew what free essay sample

How do information technologies contribute to the business success of Sew What? Inc.? Give several examples from the case regarding the business value of information technology that demonstrates this conclusion. Ans: Sew What? Inc. , a small company founded in 1992 by Megan Duckett from Australia, is a theatrical drapery manufacturing company. It was the business operated in tiny home kitchen and specializes in making custom theatrical draperies and fabrics for stages. Initially, she has grown up her business from tiny kitchen and operation by â€Å"world to mouth†. She lost a big contract due to lack of credibility in her business as mentioned by her potential customer. She realized that it was failure due to lack of information technology in business. Here are some examples that justify the contribution of information technology to the business success of Sew what? Inc: By the use of information technology, business earned the credibility and having more clients. We will write a custom essay sample on Sew what or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When she launched her website people started noticing her firm and her business getting growth. Information technology helped Since Sew what? Inc provides really good costumer experience through a very convenient way to its customers. Organization’s site in different languages helped the people speaking different languages around the world to know and understand the business which helped the business to grow worldwide. Website of organization contained the details of everything they did. It was through Information Technology, Duckett come to know about the National Federation of Independent Small Business Award. Sew what? Inc won several awards mostly because of use of information technology in convenient and effective way for the development of the business. Use of information technology has helped the organization to reduce the cost of operation. Hence, By using information technologies, Sew What? a very small business started from a kitchen became popular around the globe . Information technology has been very important tool for its success about. If it had not been for information Technology Sew what? Inc would have been limited in the kitchen. b) If you were a management consultant to sew what? Inc, what would you advice Megan Duckett to do at this point to be even more successful in her business? What role would information technology play in your proposals? Provide several specific recommendations. Answer: It’s apparent that she has wisely been using IT for providing best customer service. However, she fails in using IT for in-house process. If she could capitalize the use of IT in both â€Å"employee† and â€Å"customer† related strategies, she could have gained competitive edge over the competitors. Therefore, the manual practice of sign-in and sign-out should be replaced by automated sign-in and sign-out sheet. The new system would help trace her employees’ actual performance that would give a clear insight of the hours worked by the employee and no hours worked are taken into account. This will reduce operation costs that will add the value to the firm and ultimately to the â€Å"customer†. Not to limit the incorporation of IT into employees’ spreadsheet only, she should also work out on including IT as Operations Support System and Management Support System. That is to say, she should design a system to monitor and control industrial process and to support team workgroup and enterprise communications and collaborations which is not visible in her current business system. In addition, such system would help Sew What? Inc. emerge as a knowledge creating company that keeps the company way ahead of their competitors. Furthermore, she should also acknowledge the benefit of integrating IT in the value chain that ultimately aims at providing customer satisfaction. Since intranet and extranet do not exist in her company, she should focus on these technologies, being essential elements of value chain system. The system should be employee friendly so as to give all employees a complete view of each customer regarding preferences and profitability. I would suggest Megan Duckett to use IT in the following ways. Use IT to substantially reduce the cost of business process. Use IT to lower the cost of customer or suppliers. Develop new IT features to differentiate products and services. Use IT features to reduce the differentiation advantage of competitors. Use IT features to focus products and services at selected market niches. Use IT to create virtual organization of business partners. c) How could the use of information technology help a small business you know be more successful? Provide several examples to support your answer. Answer: In this competitive world, information technology is regarded as an asset for survival and success of an organization, smaller or bigger. It helps management in decision making which requires the IT to be the interface with employees as well. That means, all the employees along with the owner should make proper use of IT in the day to day business activities. One of the grocery stores, I know, is doing very good business. However, it has not made any provision of IT in its business. Had it installed IT in its business, the success and the profitability of the store would have gone up to the great extent. It’s been operating its business manually that has restricted its success and profitability to a certain limit. It has not yet realized IT as the critical factor to gain competitive advantage over the other stores, locally as well as globally. Though it has realized the value of customers and is trying to avail customer-focused services to its customers, it has not been able to succeed at the business due to failure to effectively use the IT in its store. It has neither a system to record and track the inventories in the store, nor a system to process customers order. It should manually count and check the inventories level in the store. There is no system to automatically track the level of inventory and thus the shortage in the store cannot be detected in a timely basis. That might result in lower customer service since the store may not make available of goods at right time. Therefore, it should design a proper customer and transactional database backed up by the intranets, extranets and internet technology. Such customer database segmented by preference of and profitability from each customer should be accessed by all the employees. Intranets facilitate every employee to get each customer’s profile. Similarly, transaction database through internet and extranet should facilitate each customer to place order directly, and check the order history and delivery status. If possible, the store should also build a Web community of customers and the employees that would make the customer feel special and delighted. The following figure will explain how the use of information technology would help the store be more successful:

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Free Essays on Math

Word Count: 729 Math is an essential asset in the business world. Without mathematics businesses wouldn’t be able to operate effectively. In order to run a restaurant math plays an important role in a lot of different areas. For instance the items on the menu may change due to the way it sells. Bookkeeping and math allow you to both figures out what items are profitable and what items are selling. The business world revolves around math, from profit and loss statements, to graphs, to taxes. Everything in business requires mathematics. Owning a restaurant is no different then any other field of business when it comes to math. The simplest things in a restaurant could not happen without math such as paying for your meal. Math is used to add up the total cost of a person’s bill as well as adding in the sales tax. More advanced math is used in the restaurant business as well. Using equations to determine what your business can afford to buy as well as the difference in the cost of the product and the profit it turns over is all determined by math. Jobs you might not even think require math do, such as portioning products or prepping food. When you are preparing food you need to measure amounts of ingredients and measurements are a form of mathematics. Wheatley-2 Keeping your books up to date requires math as well. When keeping records of your restaurant’s sales you can keep track of your busy periods to know when you are required to order more food or alcohol. Equations are used then to determine what and how much you need of a product. Using math to determine a product markup is an important process to a successful business as well. Determining the overall cost of a dinner special and factoring in each amount of the ingredients used all goes towards the final cost of a dinner special. The main objective in ow... Free Essays on Math Free Essays on Math Word Count: 729 Math is an essential asset in the business world. Without mathematics businesses wouldn’t be able to operate effectively. In order to run a restaurant math plays an important role in a lot of different areas. For instance the items on the menu may change due to the way it sells. Bookkeeping and math allow you to both figures out what items are profitable and what items are selling. The business world revolves around math, from profit and loss statements, to graphs, to taxes. Everything in business requires mathematics. Owning a restaurant is no different then any other field of business when it comes to math. The simplest things in a restaurant could not happen without math such as paying for your meal. Math is used to add up the total cost of a person’s bill as well as adding in the sales tax. More advanced math is used in the restaurant business as well. Using equations to determine what your business can afford to buy as well as the difference in the cost of the product and the profit it turns over is all determined by math. Jobs you might not even think require math do, such as portioning products or prepping food. When you are preparing food you need to measure amounts of ingredients and measurements are a form of mathematics. Wheatley-2 Keeping your books up to date requires math as well. When keeping records of your restaurant’s sales you can keep track of your busy periods to know when you are required to order more food or alcohol. Equations are used then to determine what and how much you need of a product. Using math to determine a product markup is an important process to a successful business as well. Determining the overall cost of a dinner special and factoring in each amount of the ingredients used all goes towards the final cost of a dinner special. The main objective in ow...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

People V. Lavalle (NYS Dealth Penalty) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

People V. Lavalle (NYS Dealth Penalty) - Essay Example d to death but he filed an appeal before the New York Court of Appeals and argued that in view of deadlock instructions of the state, the death penalty was not valid as per Article 1, Section 6 of the state’s constitution. The New York Appeals Court held that section 400.27(10) of New York’s Criminal Procedural Law was not constitutional. The New York Court of Appeals gave this ruling because of contradictions arising from the situation that the sentencing judge had the authority to decide amongst two options. The sentencing judge could impose death penalty or life imprisonment without parole. If the decision amongst the jury became deadlocked the judge was required to convict the offender to 20 - 25 years life imprisonment with parole. LaValle argued that because this third option was less severe relative to the other two, judges were pressurized to reach a consensus although some were not in agreement for the death penalty. Because the state’s deadlock instruct ions are unique there is no immediate impact on the death penalty in other states. But the case reveals how judges are pressurized whereby they are forced to impose the death penalty (Heller, 2008). The decision of the New York Court of Appeals presented the state legislature options to reinstate the death penalty or reinstate the death penalty in a modified way. The legislature decided to make a review of the state’s death penalty statutes by seeking wide ranging opinions from the public. From the wide ranging comments and opinions received from several reputed people and law experts concerns became apparent about the impending legislative changes. It was argued that legislation giving judges only two options by way of death penalty and life imprisonment without parole would not be constitutionally valid because prosecutors would seek elimination of parole possibilities by putting a death notice before the judges (Lentol et al., 2005). The New York State legislature could have redrafted the death

Friday, February 7, 2020

Professional Values and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Professional Values and Ethics - Essay Example There must be a changeless entity to perceive the change. We can not experience the motion of the earth since we are part of it. We need to be apart to notice the change. Since I am noticing the changes in my body, mind and intellect, I cannot be any of these. Then who am I Revealing this mystery will be the ultimate source to experience the absolute bliss within. The real progress is advancement towards the source. The world is in a state of constant flux and everything is in the struggle to acquire its original state. The greatest of scientific discoveries confirm that the object will remain in motion till it regains its original status. In the light of the above, without exception, we are in constant pursuit of happiness in and from the world. If we are seeking absolute peace and permanent happiness, than we are peace and happiness personified. But this is easier said than done. In a way we are living in spiritual slums and the higher degrees of happiness, ecstasy and bliss elude us.. A thought always precedes the action. It is not vice versa. So to improve the quality in action we must improve the quality of thoughts. An action is only the manifestation of the thought, and not only that, the thought lends the very strength to the action. In fact there can be no action without a thought behind. "As we think, so shall we become" is the applicable law. We are aspiring for a better world, but unconsciously the means applied are not constructive. Reforming the world beyond any doubt is required but, remember, charity begins at home. Subjectively reformations will be more effective. Since the world is the projection of the mind, and if the world is needed to be improved to enhance the quality of experiences, we should sanitize our minds. We should work on the projector for a change in the projection. We have to have a clam mind to be serene. We should not agitate the world and at the same time get agitated by the world. We should not be carried away by the apparent names and forms at the expense of underlying common reality. For me every body is a God playing a fool, simply because God being omnipresent. Where is any room for superiority or inferiority when no body is less than God and no one is more than God. Spirit is the core of human personality, like spoke in a wheel, which must regulate the other personality layers - intellectual, emotional and physical. It can not be other way round. Involve! We can not solve! It is but natural to be carried away by the whims and fancies of mind. Objectivity should not be lost and smile should not be compromised. We should be vigilant enough for the massive demand of smile and limited source of supply in the world. Let me be the hub or centre for the supply chain. Smile costs nothing; and being infectious and can do wonders. We always seek the expert opinion in different spheres of our life, like we have so many specialists for different ailments. But when it comes to our mind we lack the awareness. Why should we not, then, seek the expert opinion to run the affairs of mind which is actually the seat of joy or sorrow. The only way to educate the mind is by picking up the higher values which will result in dropping the lower ones. It is rightly said that old habits die hard. We can not renounce our old practices,

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Essay Example for Free

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Essay Lab 2.1 Exercise 2.1.1 All these elements are necessary because each allows the other to function and do its job. Without Media the signal cannot transmit. Without Interface the computer cannot access the Media. Without the signal the electricity or copper wires cannot transmit information. Without Pattern there would be no established format for the signals. And timing lets the devices know when the pattern starts and ends. Exercise 2.1.2 Almost all networks in use today are based in some fashion on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) standard. The core of this standard is the OSI Reference Model, a set of seven layers that define the different stages that data must go through to travel from one device to another over a network. But the OSI is just a guideline. Exercise 2.1.3 The other networking services are: RIP Listener Simple TCP/IP Services UPnP User Interface Exercise 2.1.4 Wi-Fi wireless networks support ad hoc connections between devices. Ad hoc Wi-Fi networks are pure peer to peer compared to those utilizing wireless routers as an intermediate device. Exercise 2.1.5 Lab 2.1 Review 1) A peripheral device is an internal or external device that connects directly to a computer but does not contribute to the computers primary function. It helps access and use the functionalities of a computer. (ex. Mouse, flash drive, printer) Network devices are components used to connect computers or other electronic devices together so that they can share files or resources. (ex. Router, dsl filter, Ethernet cable) 2) The fewer amount of connections the fast the connection speed with the current connections. 3) A peer-to-peer (P2P) network is created when two or more PCs are connected and share resources without going through a separate server computer. Benefits: 1) It is easy to install and so is the configuration of computers on this network. 2) All the resources and contents are shared by all the peers, unlike server-client architecture where Server shares all the contents and resources. 3) P2P is more reliable as central dependency is eliminated. Failure of one peer doesn’t affect the functioning of other peers. In case of Client –Server network, if server goes down whole network gets affected. 4) There is no need for full-time System Administrator. Every user is the administrator of his machine. User can control their shared resources.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tennessee Williams: Author and Playwright :: Biography Biographies Essays

Tennessee Williams: Author and Playwright      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thomas Lanier Williams was born on March 26th, 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi. Williams wrote fiction and motion picture screenplays but is primarily acclaimed for his plays. Thomas was the first son and second child of Cornelius Coffin and Edwina Dakin Williams. He was named after his paternal grandfather and insisted to be called Tom by the age of ten. His siblings include an older sister named Rose and a younger brother named Dakin. Williams spent a great deal of time with his sister Rose because she was not very stable, emotionally or mentally. Daryl E. Haley once said that Rose "was emotionally disturbed and destined to spend most of her life in mental institutions." Tom was primarily raised by his mother because his father was a traveling shoe salesman. Edwina Dakin Williams was the daughter of a minister and very over protective of Thomas. She began to be over protective after he caught Diphtheria when he was five years old. His mother was also an a ggressive woman caught up in her fantasies of genteel southern living. Amanda Wingfield, a character in his play The Glass Menagerie, was modeled after Williams' mother. Cornelius Coffin Williams, Tom's father, spent most of his time on the road. Cornelius came from a very prestigious family that included Mississippi's very first governor and senator. Mr. Haley also states that Tom's father was "at turns distant and abusive," that is, when he was actually around. Toms father also repeatedly favored his younger brother Dakin over both of his older children. Big Daddy, in Tom's play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, is modeled after his father. Thomas once said, in reference to his parents relationship, "It was just a wrong marriage." From 1923 to 1926 Thomas attended Ben Blewette Junior High, and was at this time that some of his first stories were published in a local newspaper.    Thomas Williams lived in Clarksdale, Mississippi for several years before moving to St. Louis in 1918 at the age of seven. At age sixteen Tom had his first brush with the publishing world when he won third place for his essay "Can a Good Wife Be a Good Sport?". Besides winning third place, he also got five dollars from this National Essay Contest. In 1927, also at age sixteen, he published "The Vengeance of Nitocris." In the fall of 1929 he attended the University of Missouri to study journalism.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Environmental Policy, Sustainability, and Government Regulations Essay

The impact of environmental and government regulations made United Parcel Service (UPS) an innovative company that developed a strategic environmental management system that adheres to the principles of ISO 14001 standard (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). To ensure compliance with regulations in the various countries and the United States, UPS has region environmental mangers and district environmental coordinators within their operations. The managers have access to training programs that include but not limited to water and air quality, transportation environmental, hazardous waste management and underground storage tanks (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS was a member of the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay program that was discontinue in 2010. UPS joined EPA’s Climate Leaders program that advocated companies developing comprehensives strategies pertaining to ensuring safeguarding the climate, this program ended in September 2011 (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). In 2010, UPS achieve a 6.1 % emissions index reduction that exceeded the EPA Climate Leader goals (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). The company introduced the Eco responsible Packaging Program that uses cube optimization, meaning that packaging is only as large as it needs to be for shipping, the materials for packaging are environmentally friendly. The carbon neutral shipping expanded to 36 other countries (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). This program using carbon offsets reduces the carbon emissions associated with shipping reducing UPS carbon impact. UPS begin facing the possibility of the depletion of scarce resources before most companies. As early as 1935, UPS begin to use alternative-fuel vehicles for transporting to the many various points across our nation. The 1,900 alternative fuel and technological advanced vehicles today are a small part of a long-run plan to protect the resources of the future (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS continues to find alternatives to developing ways in reducing their carbon imprint and preserving our natural resources. Air transportation leaves the bigger carbon imprint using a transportation index UPS continue to pursue strategies in that area for carbon avoidance which focus on a decarbonization synergy strategy to reducing air fleet emissions (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). This involve in the long-term fuel efficiency aircraft and using biofuels. UPS continues to analyze water usage and consumption in their foreign hubs, using the global water tool of the  World Business council for Sustainable Development, maintain a low water use (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS reduce their water consumption by 1 percent from the 2009 level (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). Some of the ways UPS was able to do this was by only washing their vehicle when needed, dry washing their airplanes and use environmental friendly washing agent that reduces the need to ri nse. When UPS facilities expanded low-flow water fixtures was included in the design of the newer facilities in different countries and older facilities upgraded to include the fixtures (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). An example of this is their LEED design headquarters that won gold status certification and an energy star stamp for energy efficiency (French, 2012). Their headquarters built in a forest that use 35 acres and left the rest of the forest surrounding the building including a preserved natural brook (French, 2012). As the building ages, upgrades continue to meet and adhere to the challenges of being a green building. UPS continues to be on the cutting edge as a company invested in preserving resources and developing an alternative, so that in the end the next generation has a chance at life. Being innovative in sustainability benefits the company in a strong demand for their services and products. The environment benefits from the reduction in carbon emissions by using variety of transportation for shipping it ensures the lowest combination of carbon impact and UPS meets the needs of their customers (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS needs to continue to be proactive, innovative and continuing to developing as a sustainable company. In continuing to be innovative, they are also a profitable company because customers see them as an environmentally active company that is trying to reduce their impact on the environment by leaving a better way of doing business. This show that companies can still make a profit and take care of the environment as a sustainable partner with the world. UPS embodies corporate citizenship in their leadership in redefining the transportation options for air and ground that can be a model for future business in how to protect and preserve the environment. The advance and innovative facilities built and upgraded in the various countries is another sign of their corporate citizenship. UPS worked in two of EPA’s program, which add to their knowledge, and analysis of how to develop and reduce their carbon imprint, reduce their emissions and lowered their water  consumptions to name a few. UPS operates the largest private alternative fuel fleet in the air and freight industry and continues to grow in this area as they continue to use their vehicles as laboratories in experimenting with new technologies and advancements in fuels (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). The eco-friendly packaging that UPS uses includes recycled fiber envelopes and boxes that eliminated bleached paper (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). In following their own instincts and guidelines, UPS has become the model for other corporations to follow in maintain a responsible, sustainable relationship in the many communities that they operate in around the world. References French, M. (2012, January 01). [Web log message]. Retrieved February 5, 2012 from UPS 2010 sustainability report. (2010). Retrieved January 27, 2012 from

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Pueblo Bonito Chaco Canyon Great House in New Mexico

Pueblo Bonito is an important Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi)  site and one of the largest Great House sites in the Chaco Canyon region. It was constructed over a period of 300 years, between AD 850 and 1150-1200 and it was abandoned at the end of the 13th century. Architecture at Pueblo Bonito The site has a semicircular shape with clusters of rectangular rooms that served for dwelling and storage. Pueblo Bonito has more than 600 rooms arranged on multistory levels. These rooms enclose a central plaza in which the Puebloans built kivas, semi-subterranean chambers used for collective ceremonies. This construction pattern is typical of Great House sites in the Chacoan region during the heyday of ancestral Puebloan culture. Between AD 1000 and 1150, a period called by archaeologists Bonito phase, Pueblo Bonito was the main center of the Puebloan groups living at Chaco Canyon. The majority of the rooms at Pueblo Bonito have been interpreted as the houses of extended families or clans, but surprisingly few of these rooms present evidence of domestic activities. This fact along with the presence of 32 kivas and 3 great kivas, as well as the evidence for communal ritual activities, like feasting, make some archaeologists suggest that Pueblo Bonito had an important religious, political and economic function in the Chaco system. Luxury Goods at Pueblo Bonito A further aspect that supports the centrality of Pueblo Bonito in the Chaco Canyon region is the presence of luxury goods imported through long-distance trade. Turquoise and shell inlays, copper bells, incense burners, and marine shell trumpets, as well as cylindrical vessels and macaw skeletons, have been found in tombs and rooms within the site. These items arrived at Chaco and Pueblo Bonito through a sophisticated system of roads that connect some of the main great houses across the landscape and whose function and significance have always puzzled archaeologists. These long-distance items speak for a highly specialized elite living at Pueblo Bonito, probably involved in rituals and collective ceremonies. Archaeologists believe that the power of the people living at Pueblo Bonito came from its centrality in the sacred landscape of ancestral Puebloans and their unifying role in the ritual life of the Chacoan peoples. Recent chemical analyses on some of the cylindrical vessels found at Pueblo Bonito have shown traces of cacao. This plant not only comes from southern Mesoamerica, thousands of miles south of Chaco Canyon, but its consumption is historically linked to elite ceremonies. Social Organization Although the presence of social ranking at Pueblo Bonito and in Chaco Canyon has now been proven and accepted, archaeologists disagree on the type of social organization that governed these communities. Some archaeologists propose that communities in Chaco Canyon remained connected through time on a more egalitarian basis, while others argue that after AD 1000 Pueblo Bonito was the head of a centralized regional hierarchy. Regardless of the social organization of Chacoan people, archaeologists agree that by the end of the 13th century Pueblo Bonito was completely abandoned and the Chaco system collapsed. Pueblo Bonito Abandonment and Population Dispersion Cycles of droughts starting at around AD 1130 and lasting until the end of the 12th century made living at Chaco really difficult for ancestral Puebloans. The population abandoned many of the great house centers and dispersed into the smaller ones. At Pueblo Bonito new construction ceased and many rooms were abandoned. Archaeologists agree that due to this climatic change, the resources needed to organize these social gatherings were no longer available and so the regional system declined. Archaeologists can use precise data about these droughts and how they affected the population at Chaco thanks to a sequence of tree-ring dates coming from a series of wooden beams preserved in many structures at Pueblo Bonito as well as other sites within Chaco Canyon. Some archaeologists believe that for a short time after the decline of Chaco Canyon, the complex of Aztec Ruins--an outlier, northern site—became an important post-Chaco center. Eventually, though, Chaco became only a place linked to a glorious past in the memory of Puebloan societies who still believe the ruins are the homes of their ancestors. Sources This glossary entry is a part of the guide to the Anasazi  (Ancestral Puebloan Society), and the Dictionary of Archaeology.Cordell, Linda 1997 Archaeology of the Southwest. Academic PressFrazier, Kendrick 2005. People of Chaco. A Canyon and its People. Uppdated and Expanded. W.W. Norton Company, New YorkPauketat, Timothy R and Diana di Paolo Loren (eds.) 2005 North American Archaeology. Blackwell Publishing